Do The Work

First, one must do the work. For example, when I wrote my book, I had a clear intention of what I wanted to convey. I worked very hard at this for a long time. What interests me now is that the real message, the take-away, seems to happen between the lines. It comes to light after one puts the book down.

It was like that with Claymont’s Course of Study in 2023. Those of us who played the role of staff had an intention to convey something of the reality of the Work to the students. We did that, but something unexpected occurred. The biggest take-away for the students was not in the various exercises, ideas, and practices that were shared. It was in what manifested as cooperation amongst the staff, due to our own inner work. It was also in what stayed with the students after the course was over.

Simply Do the Work

The thing is, attempting to duplicate an experience and expecting the same results sets up the wrong triad. One must simply “do the work.” What happens is the result.

With that in mind, a mix of graduates from COS-1 and Claymont Staff are working together to launch COS-2, a 15-week Course of Study beginning August 2nd, 2025.

What is clear to me, is that if the Work is to enter into the second COS, we have to do the work that is now being called for rather than riding on our previous success. My personal wish is that this new course will provide a “next step” for all of us. I don’t know what that means, but for now I must do the work needed to be prepared. What comes of that, will make itself known in its own time.

For anyone with a wish, I encourage you to consider the upcoming Course of Study. (Links to the Prospectus and application are in RED).


1 thought on “Do The Work”

  1. Hi Roberta,
    I found your blog somewhere, maybe on the Claymont website. I’ve found your writings to be very useful. Did you ever live in Marshfield MA? I attended group meetings there back in ’74 with students of Sherborne before they started Claymont..


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