How You Work

How you work may be different than how I work.

I hardly ever pay attention to how you work. It’s always about how I work, how am I getting on? I mean, in the inner-work sense. The “work on yourself” sense. When I think of others and their process, it tends to be in relation to my own. Does it look like how I’m doing it? … Read more

I Too Am Food

I too, am food

I too, am food. That thought hit me hard while sitting on my deck in front of a wooden bowl. It was filled with fresh greens, sliced scallions, avocado wedges, Greek olives, roasted red pepper slices, pistachios, and bits of smoked salmon. I had just visualized each of these as vibrant life forms hanging from … Read more


Recap - waking from the dream

Let’s recap the last couple of blogs: I had the unsettling experience of being in a dream state while awake. What scared me, was the thought that my inner work is being done in a dream state. That I might not “wake up” until the moment of my death. Would I then die as Gurdjieff … Read more

Digging Deeper

Digging deeper into ourselves in the garden

Digging deeper in myself has brought a new dimension to digging in my garden. Several years ago, I began recognizing the fact that no matter how much attention I paid to body mechanics, I invariably threw my back out from digging. Eventually, I turned my vegetable beds into wild-flower gardens to avoid injuring myself. This … Read more