Unknowing, A Place to Be

Unknowing, A Place to be

There is a place, a place of unknowing. I’ve been there. The problem is, how do I get there? Letting Go of Knowing I need to let go of knowing, of thinking I know; of insisting that I “understand” something in order to position myself in a familiar place. By understanding something I’ve already boxed … Read more

Movements and a Still, Quiet Readiness

A movements class.

There’s a still, quiet, readiness I recognize from movements. It’s taken a long time to get there. Movements, Phase I When I was introduced to movements as a twenty year old, they were not that appealing to me. Too angular, too militaristic for my ballet influenced sensibilities. Then I experienced how they can change one’s … Read more

The STOP Exercise

A STOP sign illustrates the topic of this post which is the STOP Exercise

Mr. Bennett gave the STOP! exercise sparingly. Sometimes it came during meals on our course at Sherborne. I would be talking with tablemates, or distractedly looking for the salt, or trying to get Jack’s attention. Suddenly the chatter would be rent with Mr. Bennett’s deep voice commanding STOP! Everything would freeze. My movement, my voice, … Read more

The Horse, The Carriage, The Driver

Illustration of Gurdjieff's story about the horse, the driver and the carriage

The horse, the carriage, and the driver is an analogy Gurdjieff uses to illustrate the three centers, the roles they play, and our relationship to them. The horse, representing my emotions, is rather spirited and unruly of late. It’s been rearing at odd moments. The carriage, my physical body, remains in good shape because I … Read more

Dealing With Tumultuous Emotions

A stormy ocean with breaking grey waves and white foam washing up onto dark sand.

I’m dealing with tumultuous emotions. My daughter-in-law, Michelle, has cancer and is recovering from major surgery. This has all transpired in the past six weeks. My wish is to be available to her and my son in all three centers. Yet my emotions break through at times when I’m thinking or talking to others about … Read more

A Christmas Memory

Merry Christmas Tree

            “Bobby Jo, there’s a group of us going caroling after lunch, would you be interested?”             “Sure, who all is going?” I ask, curious.             “Oh, anyone who wants to go. I think we have about fifteen or so. Vivien is taking us around. We’ll meet out back by the kitchen door.”             The … Read more