The Rukus

Islamic women performing the Rudu, a ritual bow.

The Rukus are ritual bows performed at the end of a morning exercise. The practice was introduced by J.G. Bennett, which he modeled after the Islamic ruku. They are the expression of an internal action. I was introduced to the Rukus in 1972 at Bennett’s school in Sherborne, England. Bennett spoke Turkish and like Gurdjieff … Read more

The Gap

Much like the London Metro, we must learn to mind the gap between remembering ourselves and forgetting.

“Mind the gap,” is an automated announcement made in British subways when a train’s doors open. The first time I heard it (and thereafter) it tickled my funny bone. Hearing this proper British voice reminding us (clueless?) passengers to be mindful as we stepped from the platform onto the train, just seemed funny. I had … Read more

Blending Feeling and Sensation in Fourth Way Practice

Blending Feeling with Sensation

I am speaking of blending an emotional feeling with a separate physical sensation. Recently, I have realized that I’ve never given real attention to nor fully practiced the art of blending. In fact, I kind of skipped over practicing blending as such. I practiced sensation in the early days until I could call it up … Read more

Riding A River

Riding a River

I am riding a river of thought, emotion, and activity. The night Hurricane Helene struck Asheville, where our children and four grandchildren live, I was preparing to leave for a cruise up the Danube. A trip that had been planned one year ago with my husband’s three brothers and their spouses. Our daughter was at … Read more

More on Choice

Yes and No

I’d like to say more on choice regarding my inner process of lining up a three-centered experience. A Choice Presented Several weeks ago, an old and dear friend expressed the desire for me to be with her in the hospital following an operation. Partly to defray the burden on her husband, but also because she … Read more


Thanksgiving for the inner and the outer.

“May my thoughts be full of Peace and Thanksgiving” is how I begin my writing prayer. I consider this blessing among the three that I ask for before sitting down to write my blog. Today as I sat with this first gift, feeling the peace that thankfulness brings, I took a moment to look more … Read more

Called to Action

Being Called to Action

Unlike last week, I’m feeling called to action. Michelle Obama’s speech at the DNC awakened it. A shift within the flow of Claymont’s 50th planning committee spoke of it. Where last week I felt confused, this week a clarity is emerging. Don’t get me wrong. The difference between charging ahead on my own and seeing … Read more