Bhante Arrives

Bhante, Buddhist monk and color healer

While I’m drifting down the Rhine on a river cruise, I thought I’d leave a series of out-takes about the Buddhist monk, Bhante, from my memoir, Real People.  He met Mr. Bennett and visited  Sherborne for the first time in 1973, during my course.          Bhante, a Cambodian Buddhist monk, arrived at Sherborne from India. … Read more

Real People is Now Available

Dear readers and friends, This week’s post is a jubilant announcement that my Memoir is out!  Real People: At the Pinnacle with Irmis Popoff and the Second Basic Course with J.G. Bennett, A Memoir, is now available on Amazon. Real People Synopsis In today’s world of political and climate instability, Real People tells the story of … Read more

A Christmas Memory

Merry Christmas Tree

            “Bobby Jo, there’s a group of us going caroling after lunch, would you be interested?”             “Sure, who all is going?” I ask, curious.             “Oh, anyone who wants to go. I think we have about fifteen or so. Vivien is taking us around. We’ll meet out back by the kitchen door.”             The … Read more

Chapter 38 Continues

Jack in his doeskin jacket and long hair taking a bite of pie at Thanksgiving just as Mr. Bennett tells everyone we're going to do movements in 15 minutes.

1972- Sherborne House, Thanksgiving: Before the plates emerged from the Servery, Mr. Bennett stood. Together we invoked the prayer that he had created, imprinting in us one of Gurdjieff’s primary principles, The Law of Reciprocal Maintenance. All life is one, and everything that lives is Holy. Plants, animals and Man— all must eat to live and … Read more