Passing Through

Passing through to tend trees

They weren’t just passing through. One of the kids who had grown up at Claymont, an intentional Work community, had brought a couple of friends for the weekend. They’d traveled to tend young trees along Bullskin Run which traverses the front field of Claymont’s property. Around four hundred saplings were planted a few years ago … Read more

How to Work

How to Work

How to work is the question. Last week we looked at why to work, but that didn’t really answer the question of how? And how does Work affect the world we live in today? For starters, my teacher J.G. Bennett looked at the world with a long view. In eons, or at the least, hundreds … Read more

Why Work

herd of buffalos near people in river in countryside

Why work—what is it all for, anyway? What was Gurdjieff or for that matter, Bennett, on about? How does this body of ideas and practices relate to the world today? Someone asked me a question along these lines last week. Honestly, an answer did not come trippingly off my tongue. And I wondered about that … Read more

Annual Celebration of Gurdjieff’s Birth

Gurdjieff Feast Night

Last Friday marked the annual celebration of Gurdjieff’s birth. It fell on the thirteenth, just before the Orthodox Russian New Year. Traditionally, January 13th has been celebrated as Gurdjieff’s birthday, although the actual year and date of his birth are shrouded in mystery. Apparently, Gurdjieff designated January 13th as the time to renew one’s work, not … Read more

Something About Grief

a woman shedding tears of grief

There’s something about grief—I’ve never really thought much about. Our culture tends to ignore grief, as if it is something one must get past and leave behind. Somehow, we think getting back to “normal” is the answer. We tend to look at grief only in terms of losing a loved one or experiencing life-altering events. … Read more


small toys showing birth of christ

Prayer—‘Tis the season… My recent work has me looking—at my relationship with feelings. With taking an “impression” of myself in an inner, collected moment, and in a moment of interaction with others. And the glue of why and how to keep working at these things in an active way. Somehow, I sense there is a … Read more

Connecting the Parts of Ourselves

Coming Home and connecting our lower centers through physical work gives an opportunity to connect with our higher centers through inner work.

Many are familiar with Gurdjieff’s notion of the different parts of ourselves. Over the years, this has boiled down to the three main centers which we refer to as the moving, feeling, and thinking parts of ourselves. Ouspensky talks about our “higher” centers as well—especially the higher intellectual and emotional. So how do we connect … Read more

Bhante as a Healer

Bhante- healer, teacher of green meditation, glowing shortly before his death in 1999

Bhante as Healer, is the third blog in my three part series. This Cambodian Buddhist monk was instrumental in healing my son. * As a healer, Bhante held four year old Chris on his lap. He directed golden yellow light from a high-intensity lamp, onto Chris’s swollen knee and gently massaged it using “colored” oil. … Read more