Coming Home

Coming Home and connecting our lower centers through physical work gives an opportunity to connect with our higher centers through inner work.

Coming home was the feeling that emerged for me in pondering last month’s event marking Claymont’s 50-year existence. Not a coming home only for those who have been away. But also, for those of us who never left or who returned years ago. Some who came may have aged beyond recognition, but people still recognized … Read more

Claymont’s 50th Event

A meal during Claymont's 50th

 Claymont’s 50th Event took place October 16 to 20th, 2024. Was it a Reunion, a Work Weekend, a Conference? Many had voiced opinions beforehand. Some wanted a party, some a work weekend. Others wished to discuss the future of Claymont while many reminded us of the past. “We needed to honor our teachers.” “We needed … Read more

Riding A River

Riding a River

I am riding a river of thought, emotion, and activity. The night Hurricane Helene struck Asheville, where our children and four grandchildren live, I was preparing to leave for a cruise up the Danube. A trip that had been planned one year ago with my husband’s three brothers and their spouses. Our daughter was at … Read more

More on Choice

Yes and No

I’d like to say more on choice regarding my inner process of lining up a three-centered experience. A Choice Presented Several weeks ago, an old and dear friend expressed the desire for me to be with her in the hospital following an operation. Partly to defray the burden on her husband, but also because she … Read more


Thanksgiving for the inner and the outer.

“May my thoughts be full of Peace and Thanksgiving” is how I begin my writing prayer. I consider this blessing among the three that I ask for before sitting down to write my blog. Today as I sat with this first gift, feeling the peace that thankfulness brings, I took a moment to look more … Read more

Called to Action

Being Called to Action

Unlike last week, I’m feeling called to action. Michelle Obama’s speech at the DNC awakened it. A shift within the flow of Claymont’s 50th planning committee spoke of it. Where last week I felt confused, this week a clarity is emerging. Don’t get me wrong. The difference between charging ahead on my own and seeing … Read more

The End of Summer Blues

End of Summer Blues

Lately I’ve been feeling the end of summer blues. My old ornamental cherry tree keeps dropping its leaves. And it’s only mid-August! The heat and humidity of deep summer has switched into cool nights and damp mornings. My lazy summer seems to be turning a corner, picking up steam. I sense that summer is ending … Read more

When I Have Doubts

When I have doubts, I come back to being present.

When I have doubts about not working hard enough, smart enough, disciplined enough or empathically enough, I circle back to one thing, myself. I come back to wondering if this is a sign that I’m self-centered and selfish. Compared to others, my life is easy. It can make me feel guilty when I find myself … Read more