How I Am

There's a gap between how I am and how I'd like to be. And where the work lies.

I keep bumping up against how I’d like to be and how I am. Recently, I wrote about my experience of “passing through” into a moment of connection, and about a dream showing me how my attitude creates my world. Alongside these wonderful insights of how I could be, I’m aware of how the smallest … Read more

Letting Go

Letting go as a practice.

I’m thinking about letting go for Lent. Yes, I’ll give up my usual things like coffee, sweets, alcohol, but I’m trying to taste something different. I received a clue from a dream the other night. I was in a familiar setting, alone in my Respiratory department at the hospital. It was a quiet day, peaceful. … Read more

Passing Through

Passing through to tend trees

They weren’t just passing through. One of the kids who had grown up at Claymont, an intentional Work community, had brought a couple of friends for the weekend. They’d traveled to tend young trees along Bullskin Run which traverses the front field of Claymont’s property. Around four hundred saplings were planted a few years ago … Read more

How to Work

How to Work

How to work is the question. Last week we looked at why to work, but that didn’t really answer the question of how? And how does Work affect the world we live in today? For starters, my teacher J.G. Bennett looked at the world with a long view. In eons, or at the least, hundreds … Read more

Why Work

herd of buffalos near people in river in countryside

Why work—what is it all for, anyway? What was Gurdjieff or for that matter, Bennett, on about? How does this body of ideas and practices relate to the world today? Someone asked me a question along these lines last week. Honestly, an answer did not come trippingly off my tongue. And I wondered about that … Read more

Something About Grief

a woman shedding tears of grief

There’s something about grief—I’ve never really thought much about. Our culture tends to ignore grief, as if it is something one must get past and leave behind. Somehow, we think getting back to “normal” is the answer. We tend to look at grief only in terms of losing a loved one or experiencing life-altering events. … Read more