Connecting to Gurdjieff’s Great Accumulator

OUSPENSKY AND SMALL ACCUMULATORS Before talking about Gurdjieff’s Great Accumulator, let’s review Ouspensky’s introduction to the Small Accumulators. The notion that we can collect and store energy in ourselves. To fill our small accumulators, we plug “leaks” – avoid gabbing, a certain tone of laughter, nervous gestures, spinning daydreams, etc. We each have our own … Read more

Blending Feeling and Sensation in Fourth Way Practice

Blending Feeling with Sensation

I am speaking of blending an emotional feeling with a separate physical sensation. Recently, I have realized that I’ve never given real attention to nor fully practiced the art of blending. In fact, I kind of skipped over practicing blending as such. I practiced sensation in the early days until I could call it up … Read more