Gurdjieff’s Active Mentation or Three-Centered Thinking

Green tree frog illustrating a part in the text.

For years I’ve wondered what is meant by Gurdjieff’s “active mentation,” or “three-centered thinking.” That is, thinking with all three centers: the mind, the emotions and the body. The Setup Here is an example of what might be called active mentation: It began with working on a new morning exercise concerning Gurdjieff’s Law of Three. … Read more

How Old is the Concept of Demiurge?

A representation of the Demiurge

How old is the concept of demiurge and can we connect to it? Bennett’s use of the term demiurge preceded Sherborne, where I assumed he had made the term up. I had not read his Dramatic Universe. As his student, I understood he meant demiurge to be a force in the realm of angels. Mr. Bennett also … Read more

Gurdjieff and Solioonensius at Work in Today’s World

A visual representation of the term Solioonensius

The term solioonensius, from Gurdjieff’s book All and Everything, seems to be at work in today’s world. This is one of many words Gurdjieff made up so that readers would come to new understandings without the associations we attach to familiar words. Solioonensius represents the notion of large catastrophic events which affect the human psyche, … Read more

Thoughts about Gurdjieff’s Mentation

Gurdjieff uses the word “mentation” when referring to what he calls the intellectual or thinking center in man. When it comes to intellect, I’ve always had a bit of an inferiority complex. My sister was the brainy one, I had to struggle for my A’s in school. My relationship with the thinking center started early-on … Read more

Connecting to Gurdjieff’s Great Accumulator

OUSPENSKY AND SMALL ACCUMULATORS Before talking about Gurdjieff’s Great Accumulator, let’s review Ouspensky’s introduction to the Small Accumulators. The notion that we can collect and store energy in ourselves. To fill our small accumulators, we plug “leaks” – avoid gabbing, a certain tone of laughter, nervous gestures, spinning daydreams, etc. We each have our own … Read more

Mrs. Popoff, J.G. Bennett and the Practice of Ablutions

The practice of Ablutions

Mrs. Popoff introduced me to the practice of morning ablutions sometime around 1971. Living weekends at her home in Long Island, I worked to earn money towards the second Basic Course at Sherborne House in England and attended group meetings Monday evenings. Tuesday mornings I returned to school in New Jersey. Jack, my boyfriend, lived … Read more