
language in gesture and music

I always thought language was about words. On a recent seminar in West Virginia, hosted by the Society for Continuous Education at Claymont Court, I learned otherwise. Elan Sicroff, a trained classical pianist, has a long and deep experience with Gurdjieff’s Movements and Thomas de Hartman’s music. Through his search for inner meaning, he brings … Read more

Being Ready

three men, standing with cloudy sky background, being ready

What has Being Ready come to mean for me? Well, it started with the Gurdjieff Movements but hasn’t ended there. In the beginning, there was the injunction in movements class not to fidget. To resist the urge to straighten clothing or scratch one’s nose between dances. The idea was to use that time to relax … Read more

Holding Space

Holding space requires not knowing but creating room to Be.

Holding Space, a month-long course I am just now completing, suddenly became real for me the other night. An unexpected text from my cousin conveyed that his sister had lost her battle with cancer and was facing imminent death. I’d felt close to my cousins but rarely saw them as they lived on the west … Read more

A Core Experience

rock formation

I just had what I’ll describe as a core experience. Meaning that it didn’t result from words, from thinking. It wasn’t like working out a problem and arriving at an “understanding.” Yet that elusive “core experience” allowed me to arrive at an understanding. So how did a core experience that led to understanding happen for … Read more

What Do I Bring?

What do I bring?

What do I bring to the edifice of the Work? I hadn’t thought of it like this when I committed to helping with Claymont’s upcoming Three-Month Course of Study. But this is the image Madam de Salzmann offers in The Reality of Being when she talks about group work. “I am responsible for the stone … Read more

How I Am

There's a gap between how I am and how I'd like to be. And where the work lies.

I keep bumping up against how I’d like to be and how I am. Recently, I wrote about my experience of “passing through” into a moment of connection, and about a dream showing me how my attitude creates my world. Alongside these wonderful insights of how I could be, I’m aware of how the smallest … Read more