The Dénouement

The dénouement of my workshop included passing through a field of wheat to there ocean beyond.

The dénouement of my retreat at the Center for Conscious Living and Dying came during my last workshop, Process Spirituality. In the first workshop of the retreat, Grief Within and Between Us, we had played the game of Opposites. It had been facilitated by Will Daddario PhD & Joanne Zerdy PhD.  The objective was to … Read more

Process Spirituality

Process Spirituality workshop drawing of how Roberta sees a three-year old's image of her might look.

Process Spirituality was the last workshop I attended during the Birth, Breath, and Death retreat. The title, Process Spirituality, didn’t reveal what to expect, but I heard others recommending Kalyan Volpe, the facilitator. It ended up the central experience for me on this retreat that my daughter-in-law, Michelle, had encouraged me to go to. Before … Read more

My Journey Continued

A journey continues up a road to a warrior-like Asian statue.

My journey continued as it had begun, full of serendipities. Despite the last minute uncertainty about where I would stay during the retreat, the Air BnB that Jack booked for me for one night was perfect. Arriving at dusk, I found it accessible, cozy, comfortable, and “safe” feeling. I began paying attention to owning my … Read more

On a Journey

a winding mountain road through fall foliage indicates going on a journey

This past weekend I went on a journey. This was a far greater and deeper journey than my recent European river cruise. It had to do with my emotions; with living and dying. I thought I was attending a retreat to support my daughter-in-law, Michelle, who has stage 4 cancer. It was being given by … Read more

Who Am I?

Who Am I

“Who am I” is not something I still ask myself. Who I am feels well established at this point, with all its gold stars and “room for improvement” notes attached. But writing a book has thrown me a curve ball I was not anticipating. Since fifth grade I’ve always “known” I would be an author. … Read more

Connecting the Parts of Ourselves

Coming Home and connecting our lower centers through physical work gives an opportunity to connect with our higher centers through inner work.

Many are familiar with Gurdjieff’s notion of the different parts of ourselves. Over the years, this has boiled down to the three main centers which we refer to as the moving, feeling, and thinking parts of ourselves. Ouspensky talks about our “higher” centers as well—especially the higher intellectual and emotional. So how do we connect … Read more

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

A River Cruise up the Rhine passes a scenic town.

“Eat, drink and be merry.” Or so the Roman God, Bacchus, supposedly advises. “For tomorrow you shall die.” I have always taken this sentiment to mean, live it up now baby, ‘cause heck, we’re all going to die in the end! The antithesis to a spiritual practice in life, right? Eating and Drinking on the … Read more

Bhante as a Healer

Bhante- healer, teacher of green meditation, glowing shortly before his death in 1999

Bhante as Healer, is the third blog in my three part series. This Cambodian Buddhist monk was instrumental in healing my son. * As a healer, Bhante held four year old Chris on his lap. He directed golden yellow light from a high-intensity lamp, onto Chris’s swollen knee and gently massaged it using “colored” oil. … Read more

Green Meditation With Bhante

BhanteLynnAtSherborneSmall, by Kip Page

This is the second of a three part series on the Cambodian Buddhist monk, Bante, who taught “green” meditation at Sherborne on my course in 1973.          “Green Meditation with Bhante” began showing up as part of the weekly schedule on the bulletin board at Sherborne. We could just squeeze one group of thirty into … Read more