Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

A River Cruise up the Rhine passes a scenic town.

“Eat, drink and be merry.” Or so the Roman God, Bacchus, supposedly advises. “For tomorrow you shall die.” I have always taken this sentiment to mean, live it up now baby, ‘cause heck, we’re all going to die in the end! The antithesis to a spiritual practice in life, right? Eating and Drinking on the … Read more

Bhante as a Healer

Bhante- healer, teacher of green meditation, glowing shortly before his death in 1999

Bhante as Healer, is the third blog in my three part series. This Cambodian Buddhist monk was instrumental in healing my son. * As a healer, Bhante held four year old Chris on his lap. He directed golden yellow light from a high-intensity lamp, onto Chris’s swollen knee and gently massaged it using “colored” oil. … Read more

Green Meditation With Bhante

BhanteLynnAtSherborneSmall, by Kip Page

This is the second of a three part series on the Cambodian Buddhist monk, Bante, who taught “green” meditation at Sherborne on my course in 1973.          “Green Meditation with Bhante” began showing up as part of the weekly schedule on the bulletin board at Sherborne. We could just squeeze one group of thirty into … Read more

Bhante Arrives

Bhante, Buddhist monk and color healer

While I’m drifting down the Rhine on a river cruise, I thought I’d leave a series of out-takes about the Buddhist monk, Bhante, from my memoir, Real People.  He met Mr. Bennett and visited  Sherborne for the first time in 1973, during my course.          Bhante, a Cambodian Buddhist monk, arrived at Sherborne from India. … Read more

What Can I Do?

woman in red t shirt looking at her laptop wondering what she can do.

What can I do when life gets in the way? It happened the other day. I was hacked and I didn’t know how badly. Had they breeched my computer? Could they get into my bank accounts? And then my phone wasn’t making or receiving calls. I’m so not good at emergencies like this. I don’t … Read more

Mrs. Popoff

Photo of Irmis B. Popoff

Irmis B. Popoff (whom we called Mrs. Popoff and post Sherborne, Mrs. P) introduced Jack and me to Gurdjieff. There was very little known or written about Gurdjieff’s work in the early 1970s outside of P.D. Ouspensky’s In Search of the Miraculous and Gurdjieff’s All and Everything, Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson. Finding someone who … Read more