A Christmas Memory

Merry Christmas Tree

            “Bobby Jo, there’s a group of us going caroling after lunch, would you be interested?”             “Sure, who all is going?” I ask, curious.             “Oh, anyone who wants to go. I think we have about fifteen or so. Vivien is taking us around. We’ll meet out back by the kitchen door.”             The … Read more

Chapter 38 Continues

Jack in his doeskin jacket and long hair taking a bite of pie at Thanksgiving just as Mr. Bennett tells everyone we're going to do movements in 15 minutes.

1972- Sherborne House, Thanksgiving: Before the plates emerged from the Servery, Mr. Bennett stood. Together we invoked the prayer that he had created, imprinting in us one of Gurdjieff’s primary principles, The Law of Reciprocal Maintenance. All life is one, and everything that lives is Holy. Plants, animals and Man— all must eat to live and … Read more

Discovering Reciprocal Maintenance with the First Bite

Reciprocal Maintenance, the First Bite

Gurdjieff developed a theory he called Reciprocal Maintenance. Reciprocal Maintenance has to do with organic life on earth, including humans, being food for the cosmos. I’m learning to understand what this means via eating. Last summer during a seminar I listened to a recording of JG Bennett suggesting an exercise. Be present to the first … Read more

Bearing the Sorrow of Our Common Father

Bearing the Sorrow of Our Common Father

Last week I had a glimpse of what Gurdjieff means by “Bearing the Sorrow of Our Common Father.” If you can’t connect to the word Father, use a word that connects you to that which is beyond us, yet offers Help. Finding myself in an unusually sensitive state following a silent workday at Claymont, I … Read more

Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way and Self-Observation

reflecting the stark reality of observing how we are

Self-observation is a phrase people in Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way use, meaning to observe how one really is. (Or isn’t, as the case may be.) I’d like to tell the story of a recent moment of self-observation. To set my story up, I need to go back to last summer, when the notion of “listening” arose … Read more

How Do I Work on Myself?

Image by LillyCantabile from

How do I Work on myself? I’ve taken the phrase, “work on oneself” for granted for so many years. My first teacher, Mrs. Popoff, told us about the three lines of work—work on myself being the first line. She gave us “tasks” like brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand, or “remembering yourself” as you … Read more

Understanding the Distinction Between Function, Being and Will

A clean kitchen ready for work

Understanding the distinction between Function, Being and Will in the way Mr. Bennett spoke of them has never been clear to me. But I got a clue the other day while listening to a talk he had given[1] using the kitchen as an example. In the midst of this talk, I saw that the kitchen … Read more

The Relationship Between Me, Myself and I

Depiction of the concept of Me, Myself and I

Me, a name I call Myself. What is the relationship between me, myself and I? Who am I, anyway? When I am aware of “myself” I hold an image which I tend to feel good about. I like my body overall, and I see that “myself” embodies ways of moving, habits, gestures and attitudes that … Read more