Blending Feeling and Sensation in Fourth Way Practice

Blending Feeling with Sensation

I am speaking of blending an emotional feeling with a separate physical sensation. Recently, I have realized that I’ve never given real attention to nor fully practiced the art of blending. In fact, I kind of skipped over practicing blending as such. I practiced sensation in the early days until I could call it up … Read more

My relationship with “Unknowing”

relationship with unknowing

What is my relationship with “unknowing” in Forth Way work? Especially since there is so much to learn and know about. Gurdjieff’s body of ideas encompass philosophy, psychology, cosmology, physiology, history, religion, metaphysics, musicology, science, math, dance, as well as practices. I’m sure I’m leaving something out. Starting with a handful of texts in the … Read more

I Attended a Real Life Hogwarts

I attended a real life Hogwarts

I Attended a Real Life Hogwarts is the tile of an interview Rebekah Berndt had with me for her new podcast, The Unfolding, Faith Without Borders.  The interview centers around Gurdjieff, Bennett, and my experience at Sherborne. It also includes an overview of Claymont. There is an extended part of the interview which is accessible … Read more

Discovering Reciprocal Maintenance with the First Bite

Reciprocal Maintenance, the First Bite

Gurdjieff developed a theory he called Reciprocal Maintenance. Reciprocal Maintenance has to do with organic life on earth, including humans, being food for the cosmos. I’m learning to understand what this means via eating. Last summer during a seminar I listened to a recording of JG Bennett suggesting an exercise. Be present to the first … Read more

Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way and Self-Observation

reflecting the stark reality of observing how we are

Self-observation is a phrase people in Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way use, meaning to observe how one really is. (Or isn’t, as the case may be.) I’d like to tell the story of a recent moment of self-observation. To set my story up, I need to go back to last summer, when the notion of “listening” arose … Read more

The Relationship Between Me, Myself and I

Depiction of the concept of Me, Myself and I

Me, a name I call Myself. What is the relationship between me, myself and I? Who am I, anyway? When I am aware of “myself” I hold an image which I tend to feel good about. I like my body overall, and I see that “myself” embodies ways of moving, habits, gestures and attitudes that … Read more

Transmitting What We Understand

Illustrating the parable that transmitting understanding is not the same as sharing knowledge

Knowledge vs Understanding  Transmitting understanding is not the same as sharing knowledge. What, then, is understanding? And how do we convey it? Many of us sense an urgency towards the end of our lives to pass on what we have learned. In Meetings with Remarkable Men, Gurdjieff addresses the problem of trying to transmit to others … Read more

What Does Gurdjieff Mean by Relaxation?

To illustrate one way of relaxing

What is meant by the term relaxation in Fourth Way work? Here is another word that we “think” we understand, but do we?  Typically, when stressed and tense, we think in terms of taking an external action to address the issue. Exercising, vegging out with a book or a movie, taking a yoga or meditation class. … Read more

Gurdjieff and the Intelligence of the Moving Center

Bodies in movement

What is my relationship with my moving center, as Gurdjieff calls one’s physical body? Why does Gurdjieff say each center has its own brain? [See the last two blogs on feeling center and intellectual center.] My Relationship to Moving Center I’ve always thought of myself as a Man #1 primarily centered in my physical self. … Read more